J. Allen Seymour CPA P.C., CPA in Watkinsville, GA

On behalf of all of us here at the Firm of J. Allen Seymour, CPA, PC, we would like to welcome you to our website. We’ve been in business since 1979 and provide services to a wide base of clients in the North Georgia area, as well as some South Western States, New York and even as far as Germany and New Zealand! Due to the latest in technology, distance is obviously not a problem! Our offices are located in the Resource Valley Professional Office Park, 1551 Jennings Mill Road, Suite 400-A, Bogart, Georgia. Just outside the Athens/Clarke County border, conveniently located next to Highway 316 and the Athens/Atlanta Highway. The firm presently offers the services of certified and non-certified professional accountants, bookkeepers and consultants with proven expertise.
The Firm demands integrity, objectivity, competence, and due care from all of its personnel in the conduct of all of its engagements, whatever their nature. We demand independence in fact and appearance in all audit and other engagements where independence is required by applicable laws and regulations and the requirements of professional societies. We take steps to insure that personnel assigned to engagements, whatever their nature, have the professional and specialized knowledge required to carry out their responsibilities; at the same time, we recognize that supervisors and other reviewers and consultants can compliment that knowledge.
Our Firm is structured to provide leadership in achieving high quality professional performance while maintaining the concept of individual responsibility so necessary to clients and to individuals within the firm. The Firm has established policies and procedures that we believe provide assurance that professional engagements are properly planned and executed and that decisions are based on the substance of issues, not on form. Accounting standards cannot deal with all possible situations, and we at all times urge our clients to adopt accounting and reporting policies that we believe are the most appropriate in the circumstances.
Our policies and procedures provide, among other things, for consultation on significant matters, and the Firm has designated professionals within and outside the Firm whose opinions are to be sought on significant ethical, technical, and industry questions. The policies and procedures we have established are designed to assure that our clients receive the best professional services we can provide and that in providing those services we continually keep in mind the public interest in our work.
More specifically, to achieve high quality professional performance, and to comply with the membership requirements of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Division for CPA Firms, the Firm has adopted policies and procedures that implement the quality control standards for the conduct of accounting and auditing engagements established by the AICPA. Those policies and procedures relate to the following elements of quality control, among other matters:
Independence – To be free from financial, business, family, and other relationships involving a client when required.
Assignment of Personnel – To have people on the job with the technical training and competence required in the circumstances.
Consultation – To have personnel seek assistance, when necessary, from competent authorities so that accounting or auditing issues are properly resolved.
Supervision – To determine that work is planned and carried out efficiently and in conformity with professional standards.
Hiring – To have competent, properly motivated people of integrity involved in engagements.
Professional Development – To provide staff with the training needed to fulfill their responsibilities and to keep them abreast of current developments.
Advancement – To select for advancement people who are capable of handling the responsibilities involved.
Client Acceptance and Continuance – To anticipate problems and minimize the likelihood of association with a client whose management lacks integrity.
Inspection – To conduct a periodic internal review to be sure all the other elements of the quality control system are working.
The adequacy of the Firm’s quality control system for our accounting and auditing practice and our compliance with that system are independently evaluated every three years through a peer review conducted under the auspices of the AICPA Division for CPA Firms. The peer review report is available to our clients and other interested parties. We have always passed each and every Peer Review.
We value our reputation for quality services and believe that reputation is the basis on which we attract new clients and build our practice for the future. We are committed to rendering value for our fees and believe our clients should have a reasonable basis for making that judgment for themselves. Accordingly, we carefully evaluate the services we are asked to provide and the factors, such as the nature of control systems and procedures, that will affect the costs we expect to incur in providing such services before we inform present and potential clients of the fees we estimate those services will entail. Once J. Allen Seymour, CPA, PC undertakes a client engagement; we bring all the resources to that engagement necessary in the circumstances.
1551 Jennings Mill Road
Suite 400-A
Watkinsville, GA 30677-7262
ph: 706.549.8197
fax: 706.546.1030
Email: cseymour@athenscpa.net
Website: http://athenscpa.net/

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